DFX is a decentralised foreign exchange protocol optimized for trading fiat-backed foreign stablecoins.
XSGD users can connect their wallet to swap XSGD (ERC-20) for 3 other fiat-backed stablecoins, CADC, USDC and EURS at competitive rates.
xsgd defis showcase dfx finance
Users can also become liquidity providers on DFX finance, where they can earn DFX tokens by providing liquidity into XSGD pools.
XSGD is now available on the latest version of DFX¹, which sees the deployment of contracts that leverage an oracle powered by Chainlink to optimize forex prices on-chain, which helps to serves as a reference point for the bonding curve.
Visit DFX finance to view the available pools.
To get XSGD, sign up for a personal account here. If you're looking to connect your business with digital asset platforms, sign up for a StraitsX business account here.