Product Updates

Protect yourself from scammers impersonating StraitsX! Here’s how.

March 10, 2022

Recently, there have been a lot of scams on social media involving StraitsX.

straitsx facebook

As you can see, the scammers impersonating StraitsX are very hard to distinguish at first glance — the profile picture and the names are the same.

We will never ask for your funds

straitsx xsgd

StraitsX will never ask for your funds. Please do not respond to messages, emails, texts, etc. requesting you to transfer funds to a specified bank account or blockchain address. 

We will never ask for your keys, passwords, or seed phrases

straitsx password

StraitsX strives to maintain the highest level of cybersecurity for ourselves and our users. This includes keeping your personal information safe and secure. In line with that, we will never ask for your keys, passwords, or seed phrases.

We will always require two factor authentication (2FA)

straitsx two factor authentication

In line with maintaining the highest cybersecurity standards, we urge our users to download an Authenticator app to secure your account. 2FA provides an extra layer of security by providing a unique, 6-digit code as a form of two-factor authentication.

Follow the correct social media accounts

straitsx social media account

To stay safe, make sure that you have followed the correct StraitsX social media accounts:

Facebook: @StraitsX 

Twitter: @StraitsX

LinkedIn: @StraitsX

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